2016 Global Mentoring Walk

On March 5, the fifth Polish edition of Vital Voices Global Mentoring Walk took place in Łazienki Królewskie, under the patronage of the WUT Business School.

Global Mentoring Walk is a great opportunity to draw attention to the importance of the leadership role of women and the impact of mentoring on the development of women leaders. During a walk together, recognized women leaders meet with women who aspire to this role. They discuss their professional challenges and share experiences, building a Mentor-Mentee relationship, the leader advises and supports her mentee. Often the relationship takes on a long-term nature and the ladies maintain regular contact and continue the mentoring process on their own.

The idea for Global Mentoring Walk comes from the American media icon, founder and CEO of Oxygen Media, Oprah Winfrey’s business partner – Geraldine Laybourne. Geraldine’s completed schedule prevented her from seeing all the young women who wanted to learn from her and follow her advice. Instead of refusing, she invited them to join her daily morning walk. Walking together soon became a practice. Geraldine initiated similar events in the largest US cities, and in 2016 Global Mentoring Walks will take place – on the same day – in approx. 70 cities around the world (including Burma, Malaysia, India, Brazil, Egypt, Lebanon, Kenya, Zambia, Ghana, Argentina, South Africa, Serbia). In Poland, the organizer is Vital Voices Chapter Poland.

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