WUT BS faculty on the Lista Stu 2018

We are happy to inform that WUT BS faculty members have been placed on the Lista Stu 2018 plebiscite as most influenial individuals in polish medicine and in polish healthcare system. Congratulations!

The list honoured: prof. Marcin Czech, prof. Anna Raciborska, prof. Ewa Helwich.

Lista Stu 2018
For over 16 lat now, „Puls Medycyny” has been honouring individuals who seem to have a remarkable influence on the development of polish medicine and for over 4 years also those who contribute to the rise of polish healtcare system.

As most influential individuals of polish medicine have been honoured:

  • Dr hab. n. med. prof. nadzw. Anna Raciborska
  • Prof. Dr hab. n. med. Ewa Helwich

As most influential individuals of polish healtcare have been honoured:

  • Dr hab. n. ekon., dr n. med. Marcin Czech


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